Thursday, January 30, 2014


These one of a kind bags are made from the back pocket of denim jeans.  Embellished with vintage hand crocheted doilies, linen and lace, hand turned roses

Put your cell phone, keys and wallet in the outside pocket for easy access

A good ending for your favorite worn out pair of jeans.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Just add a little velvet and tassels

 We moved this couch into my studio and placed it in front of the fireplace.

My old, old orange couch had definitely seen better days,
 but I love my couch.
  It is comfy like only old couches can be,
 and it has beautiful lines and real wooden legs.

The floral patterned upholstery was worn to shreds.
I had to donate my old green 70's couch and chair to the local thrift store when we
moved out of the little red house this past summer
and getting rid of this old couch was just out of the question.

so I rummaged through my stashes of old velvet dresses
and upholstery material

a large curtain valance with tassels could go along the back

now add some long fringe

staple and tuck everything into the crevices

cover the cushions with a long piece of plush velvet
and tack on more tassels

wa la,

It turned out so nice I am covering and old chair in the same mix-matched,
bits and pieces of old velvet dresses, curtains and upholstery.  
When I am done I will have a matching pair of mis-matched furniture.

just finished the chair so I added the pictures to the post

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

Roses in the studio

paper roses 

on an old wool rug

hand made porcelain roses on old lamps
the vintage lamp on the left I purchased 30 years ago
at a flea market in Vegas
over the years I have collected quite a few.......
enough for each of my children.....and
a few more

roses made from burlap, linen and lace
attached to recycled lamp shades

or placed on scrap material for a beautiful hatband

a bouquet of real roses
 snagged for just $3.00 in the close out basket at the grocery store

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My Sewing Chair

A place to sit while pondering, day-dreaming, and turning bits and pieces
 of ribbon and lace
into  fabric roses and tiny bouquets, trimmed with old doilies and buttons.

A floral heavy curtain for the seat and back.  Fringe from some old worn pillows and a  tea stained  curtain, are wrapped around the base of the chair.  I found this lovely tassel as I rummaged through boxes of mis-matched linens and lace.

The seat lifts up to show a 3 inch deep compartment that hold your sewing supplies, thread, bobbins, pins, and buttons.  I would like a whole set of chairs like this for my kitchen table.  Need a extra fork or plate, just lift the lid........

I should have taken before  photos, ......... I thought I had a glimpse of a picture of it somewhere.  Sure enough, it only shows a little of the back, but you can see the old vintage material.  I am currently working on the matching sewing-machine cabinet, gluing the broken leg back on, sanding and painting, finding hardware, because I stole it for another project.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Look what I found!  I purchased these crystal door knobs (3 matching pairs)
over 10 years ago, (I still had the receipt with the date in the bag), and then they disappeared in one of our many moves.  I have hunted and hunted for them and wouldn't you know when I wasn't looking and they were the furthest thing from mind, I open the drawer to my old, old chippy peach dresser and there they were!
Just had to let ya know.

Over the years I have looked for crystal knobs, (because I couldn't find mine) but they have become hard to find, usually not a matched pair, and the price is way out of my budget

Aren't they beautiful

simply opened the drawer to this old dresser and there they were.....
individually wrapped in crinkly brown paper and placed in a plastic bag......
after all these years

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New items are in the works! 

Suitcases filled with beautiful lace and trim

and stacks of vintage linens 

are piled high on the shelves

beautiful hand crocheted lace and doilies

and hand turned roses

 are being made into one of a kind unique bags, hair accessories, lapel pins,
 hat bands,
 and clothing.

It has been quite some time since I have listed new items for sale.  This past year has been filled with many changes.  We have moved three times, and things have been in storage.  This past week, boxes, suitcases and large garbage bags filled with all my supplies have been emptied and stacked neatly on the shelves in my living room turned studio.